Assalamu`alaikum (السلام عليكم) Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Brothers and Sisters.
I hope your day is going well today, InshaAllah. =]
Bismi-llāhi ar-raḥmāni ar-raḥīm (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم)
I don't know what has gotten into me, but today has been a day full of blessings for me, SubhanAllah.
I had been a nervous wreck all week about my grade for a Summer course I took (a class I HAD to pass), and I finally got my grade today, and while I was expecting the worst, my results were splendid and more that what I expected. Alhamdulillah, I was so happy when I found out. I felt a huge sense of relief, and also I felt an overwhelming sense of thankfulness because I had been practically asking Du'a all week and now I finally have more of an assurance on how close Allah (SWT) is, and how much of a blessing it is for me to have found Islam. SubhanAllah.
This is not the primary reason I feel like my day has been blessed, though. So many wonderful people around me have contributed to how I feel today, and some know who they are, and some don't have a clue. MashaAllah, they're in my Du'as and in my heart, regardless. =)
My heart is swelling up with so much of happiness and joy. SubhanAllah. =) Tbh, I feel like breaking down and crying, because I feel SO at peace! I can't explain it; this just feels so surreal and amazing. Alhamdulillah. I've been drifting deeper and deeper into Islam, and the more I make an effort to learn, the more I feel like I'm closer to Allah (SWT) and this makes all the difference in the world to me.
To express how significant this is to me, and how much of an overwhelming peace I feel, I'd like to share something I wrote during the Summer of '08 when I felt somewhat similar to what I am feeling today.
Warning: Shakespearean Language Below.

A Golden Night In The Solitude Of Prayer
Wednesday 13, August 2008
(God's Mercy)
He is oft Merciful and oft Forgiving...
In a trance, acknowledging thy superiority--I kneel and bow down to thee, for you are my creator. These contoured hands, behold the similitude of the clay thou has proven to create Man from. The salty venom of sadness blurs this sinned vision--a soul that shudders with repentance and forgiveness. There is none secure than thy presence encapsulating one's heart. For this yearning to be embraced in thy arms is above all adorations this illusion of a world may bring forth. The sound tranquility that thou can instill in one's heart, weakens all obstinate thoughts, and empowers impeccable piety. Endless nights and days of thy existence never cease to amuse--for thou hast sent Man many words of thy presence. It is oft spiritual felicity one is able to protrude from their eyes, such meaningful tears while reciting thy words--For the vast skies, the blue oceans, and green trees sway so beautifully to remind thy creations that these favors they cannot disavow.
With (luv),
-Simply me
such inspiring faith
Should i get a blog? btw, keep it up.
Mashallah. I love Allah (SWT) so much. He is not only my Creator but my Best Friend. :)
Btw, I love how you think you've done bad for some kind of assessment but you actually do way better than expected. :D
im glad ur habby hehehe
Salaam aleikum wr wb, it's always nice that people are at peace and feel comfort in Islam, I hope I have contributed to your feeling of peace today with my constant pwning :)
alhamdulillah your post made me really habbeh :)
jazakAllahu khairan sis and keep up ze good work, btw what nasheed is deez?
Walaikumassalam wr wb. Waiiyak.
NO, it's not a Nasheed! It's..Qur'an. =D No pwning allowed on Nubspot, okai. Lawlz.
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