I used to write..

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Assalamu`alaikum (السلام عليكم) Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Brothers and Sisters.

I hope your day is going well today, InshaAllah. =]

Bismi-llāhi ar-raḥmāni ar-raḥīm (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم)

Writing used to be my companion whether sad, happy, grumpy, or fuming with anger. Growing up, I had many trying phases in my life, and I used to always rely on writing to express myself. However, these past couple of years have been spent quite repressed (writing-wise).

It's not that I've run out of emotions to express, but I find myself having a hard time figuring out how to express them. There is a lot I'd like to write about, but I often find myself second-guessing the topics I'd like to write about. Some topics come off as too personal, and some come off as too broad or boring.

When news of my grandfather's death struck home during a cold December day in 2006, I remember brushing off tears, gulping down sadness, and desperately trying to find a quiet place to write in my notebook; this was the extent of my attachment towards writing. I ended up with somewhat of a bittersweet eulogy for my grandfather that day.

There was also a time when a very close family friend of mine had died after a long and hard battle with breast cancer. I remember being so distraught, and lost for words, but despite it all, I ran into my room and picked up my notebook. I sat there staring at the blank pages for what seemed like forever and by the end of the night the pages were soaked in tears and ink.

Writing has helped express myself a lot in the past, and it recently occurred to me how much I actually miss it. I have in fact, created a few blog accounts in an attempt to start writing again, but I seem to lose interest easily and end up shutting the accounts down entirely. I haven't updated this blog in a while, so I thought I may as well start off by writing something, anything, and everything that came to mind.

I hope I'll be able to blog as frequently as I'd like to. Sometimes I lose inspiration, and lack motivation, but I will try my best to express myself as frequently as I can. So, in an attempt to revive my lack of writing just for the sake of writing, this post will represent my (un)official comeback.

With (luv),

-Simply me


Sadiyah said...

Ah just when i found your blog, you're taking a break =P I hope you re-unite with writing

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