Onoes. Mosquitoes?!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Assalamu`alaikum (السلام عليكم) Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Brothers and Sisters.

I hope your day is going well today, InshaAllah. =]

Bismi-llāhi ar-raḥmāni ar-raḥīm (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم)

Okay, I think I just swatted a mosquito roaming around my laptop screen. I'm reminded of President Obama swatting that bug on his arm -- I feel accomplished. =) I haven't seen a mosquito in a long time! I guess keeping the windows open in this heat is prone to bring about a mild population of mosquitoes into my house.

Transition: It just dawned on me this evening about how much I'm going to miss Astoria when I move out. Ever since I came to America, the only place I've known and become accustomed to is Astoria, Queens; I have never known another place as well as I know Astoria. I'm also going to have to transfer to another campus to accommodate our moving needs, so learning how to drive has been pushed up higher on my goals list this Summer.

--> I'm jumping back and forth here, but I really have to get some things off my mind. Sometimes, I feel like I'm not being true to myself when it comes to being more spiritually involved; it feels like I'm not doing enough to further myself as a Muslim. There's just so much I'm trying to do, but in order to take those big steps, I feel like it requires a lot of courage and motivation -- something I haven't been able to muster up (yet). I've always had a general understanding of falling a few times before you succeed, and with Islam, it feels exactly like that. There are times when you wish you could just do so much more and stop being so unproductive. That's how I pretty much feel right now, because I am performing the basic necessities as a Muslim, but what MORE can I do? I just want to do more, and keep discovering Islam. I want to be closer to Allah (swt), and I just want to be in complete submission to Him, but more often, I find myself distracted by worldly things like school,
THE COMPUTER, school, school, and school.

With (luv),

-Simply me


Anonymous said...

Assalammualaikum sis,
I understand your frustration when you feel like you cant do more for the One you love. But loving God and to be loved by him is not just when you perform your prayer, or when you study religious books, which of course would help you to understand this beautiful religion better. But ibadah to Allah can also be achieved in everything else that you do, in particular school I would think, as long as you do it for the sake of Allah. Just look around us, not as distractions, but as signs from the almighty God. Didnt he asks us to ponder the universe? May Allah bless you..

simplyme said...

Walaikumassalam (I wish I knew who you were!)

Those are such wise and beautiful words. JazakAllah Khair for your wonderful advice.

May Allah (swt) bless you too. :)

Noura The Muslima said...

aww muffin cakes I know it can get hard. But i think we need to stop focusing on what we "should" be doing. And start to do the the things you want to do. You want to help others, and do dawah and smile at people and give salamz. it doesnt have to be anything huge sweetheart, What ever you can muster, Allah is watching xD.
And if your having trouble mustering seek refuge in Allah from the accursed and ask Allah for more understanding about how the action you wish to preform is benifical. Cause after all Allah tells us to do things for a reasom. Maybe you just need some more insight on the whys and hows.
Just make du'ah darling <3

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